Thursday May 6
As the Father loved me, so have I loved you, abide in my love

When God works in someone’s life, that person shines like a star amid a darkened world. To grasp the love God has for us, it is essential to understand the love the Father has for the Son., for it is the same love – Gods love for His son is eternal- it neither begins with the incarnation of Christ nor ends with the Resurrection. Jesus was with the Father from the beginning and was the first object of his love. John1:1-2, 17:24.

Jesus loves us with a love that gives everything it possesses and keeps nothing for itself- the Father and Son are one in that love. In the first reading in the Acts of the Apostles, St. James finally supports the fact that there should not be any hindrance to the Gentiles being admitted into the church -accepting Jews and gentiles as one. This is an experience Jesus transmitted to the apostles breaking through the traditional rules by the law of love which fulfils the law itself.

St. John in his Gospel is explicit on the theme of love, that takes over our own lives when the risen Lord comes to abide in us. However, unless we keep the commandments, we cannot expect the Lord to abide in us. Today there is so much confusion and dissatisfaction in the world about what God is doing. So much chaos. Material success seems to be the main yardstick that measures progress. Most people are running after a mirage that does not give them the happiness they are looking for Peace Joy and love. Once I too thought I could create Heaven on earth in doing things right- working towards success- satisfying all around me-earning a good name. None of this was bad as I saw it and expected God to be pleased with me and continue to bless me as He should. Uncon- sciously, I was on my own ego trip, until the foundations of my life came crashing down, and I lost the very thing I was building as my own. All the material success meant nothing – I realized the empty shallow ideals I had. Looking at Jesus on the cross, I saw the Savior of my soul- the selfless love of the Father and Son – I was so much a part of it- he was alive. As He lives in me, I am fulfilled-complete.

My life took a whole new meaning. This was my resurrection.

You are love itself. So, the soul who follows your truth and teaching in love, becomes through love another you. Dispossessed of her own will, she is so well clothed in you that she neither seeks nor desires anything but what you seek and will for her.(Saint Catherine of Siena)

Prayer: Abba Father, Lord Jesus thank you for your selfless love!

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