The Israelites sinned against God and forgot the miracles that were performed in Egypt. They worshipped idols, and rebelled against God. In the first reading we see Moses coming down the mountain with the tablets of stone in his hands, only to witness the sin of idol worship.
His anger knew no bounds as he smashed the two tablets and burned the golden calf. Yet, the next day, Moses stood in the gap for the Israelites as he went to God in atonement for their sins. Today’s readings are a reminder for us of our task from God, to bless His chosen people and intercede for the peace of God’s people. Today’s gospel proclamation speaks of the Kingdom of Heaven. I believe that the Lord is asking us to do the little things, like stand in the gap for those who still do not know the Lord. That might be a mustard seed ask, but when we obey, and our hearts are turned to God, many will turn to the true Kingdom of God!
Prayer: Abba Father, turn the hard hearts of our brothers and sisters, to know Jesus as the true Messiah and to follow him. Amen.