Wednesday June 23
Remembering His Covenant Promise
  • Genesis 15: 1-12, 17-18
  • Ps 105: 1-19
  • Matt 7: 15-20

In today’s 1st reading we reflect on God’s promise to Abram. Abram received a covenant promise, not a momentary blessing but a blessing for generations to come, it was an exchange of persons when God was saying ‘I will be your God, you shall be My people’ (Refer Ezekiel 36:28).

Two months ago we faced a major crisis, fear and uncertainty got in us. We had recently also relocated and were feeling vulnerable. In addition we were wrongly judged by family members who didn’t want to accept our move. This was bringing doubt into our own hearts. It was a battle to hold on to our divine identity and purpose, like God’s promises were slipping away. In my desperation, God revealed His heart through Psalm of 105. In verse 8 we read;“He is mindful of His covenant forever.”In the midst of doubt and worry if God was going to remember and fulfil His promises, the Lord was saying, ‘I will forever remember My covenant promise.’ It hit me, even before we remind God of His promises, God remembers His covenant forever.

In the next few weeks He spoke the same word to me through a Rainbow which I kept seeing four times in a span of six weeks! Didn’t realise until on the 3rd occasion when I asked the Lord Jesus, ‘Lord What are you saying?’, the Spirit reminded me of the ‘covenant’ promise given to Noah. My mind went back to these words I had read, written on paper and hung on a wall;“God’s covenant is not a mere exchange of goods or services. It is an Exchange of Persons; “You shall be My people and I shall be your God.” (Ezekiel 36:28). Reflecting on these precious words, “Covenant promise” I suddenly encountered His tangible presence and love. His word came alive. A week later I go for a walk, no distraction of being in a vehicle this time. I see the vast &magnificent rainbow face to face for the 4th time. I’m in awe. His promise is eternal. Today if you are facing a challenge, rest assured no matter the chaos around, you’re precious and valued. Your identity is in Christ! God remembers His covenant promise forever = You are His people and He is your God.

Prayer: Abba Father, let us never forget your covenant promise over our lives, in Jesus name. Amen

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