Thursday March 31
Christ is alive – meet him
  • Exodus 32:7-14
  • Psalm 106:19-23
  • John 5:31-47

In today’s Gospel proclamation the Lord Jesus stresses that God the Father sent him to be the Messiah, while St John the Baptist was the Messenger. The Lord tells the people that he does only what the Father tells him to do and sees only what the Father wants him to see. That is why Catholic Bible scholars say that essentially Christianity is Christ alive, while there is also a place for dogmas and doctrines, prayer services, novenas and other devotions. If Christ alive is Christianity, then who is a Christian? In addition to our baptism we need to be committed to Jesus personally. A Christian is a person who has a deep and growing relationship with the living Christ. St Paul’s case is an example of this. As we read in Acts 9, Paul met Jesus in a dramatic way on the way to Damascus. The Lord revealed his identity and Paul realises that when he was persecuting Christians, he was persecuting the Lord. This is evidence that Christ is alive and there will be a powerful manifestation of his presence when we seek and do God’s will.

Prayer: Abba Father, thank you for giving us your Son who died for us, now live in us and is the way for us to gain eternal life. Amen.

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