Tuesday May 17
God’s perfect peace
  • Acts 14:19-28
  • Psalm 145:10-13,21
  • John 14:27-31

Imagine going on a holiday, visiting a beautiful location, or relaxing in a calm environment…however remotely possible it may sound during this long-standing pandemic, the idea of it all brings instant joy and peace. In today’s Gospel proclamation, ‘peace’ is the gift our Lord offers His disciples. The same gift of peace is on offer for each and every one of us. As our Lord promises, it is not like the momentary peace the world offers us which is here today and gone tomorrow. It is His own peace that He is giving us this day…this gift of peace does not depend on circumstances, cannot be taken away at the turn of events, lasts through good and bad times alike and is able to flow from one person to the other and lifts them up. When we open our hearts and receive this precious gift, we begin to realize that we are loved and forgiven and the darkness in this world will cease to have power over us. His peace is vastly different from what we perceive and understand. God’s peace helps us to rest because we know that he is in control.

Prayer: Abba Father, I believe that your peace is with me, the same peace flows through me and I have nothing to be afraid of. Amen.

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