Monday JANUARY 22
Third Week in Ordinary Time
Is your house divided against itself?
  • 2 Samuel 5:1-7,10
  • Psalm 89:20-22,25-26
  • Mark 3:22-30

Sin is behind all of human misery. The Lord’s exorcism unsettles the people. Exorcism delivers one from misery, healing and restoring people. Some Jewish leaders attributed the Lord’s power to demonic activity. They thereby blasphemed against the Holy Spirit: by attributing to a bad spirit a work that was manifestly good. How can satan do good, he would be acting against his nature. Today families and nations are under threat. The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, when we accept Jesus as our Savior and Redeemer. When we don’t we remain in sin (Jn 16:8-9). No wonder what is bad is called good. Families are under assault. Satan blinds us to the truth. Often the smart phone has taken the place of God; many do not go out without it. Pornography and video games could become dangerous in families. People think that nothing is wrong. Satan knows when families are destroyed, nations collapse. Often, the film industry brainwashes people to be violent and promiscuous. Be cautious.

Abba Father, may we come under the protection of your Son, that the Holy Spirit may open our inner eyes. Amen.

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