Monday January 31
From discomfort to deliverance
  • 2 Samuel 15:13-14, 30, 16:5-13
  • Psalm 3:2-7
  • Mark 5:1-20

Often when we are besieged by evil, we learn to accommodate it and live with it. When we taste sin, we get a distaste for God. God does not appear attractive to us and we ask Him, ‘Lord what have you got to do with us. We do not need you.’ Our Lord Jesus came to set us free and deliver us from darkness as he did to the Gerasenes man who was possessed by demons. Where Don Bosco lived, he witnessed the youth drawn into lustful pursuits and he banded them together, putting them under the care of Mary Help of Christians and offering them a Catholic formation. Thousands were delivered from a wasteful life to learning a new trade and being able to support their families. To the city folk who were more interested in making money and ruining lives, Don Bosco was a living nightmare. But by the grace of God his ministry impacted Italy and the world and today even the writer is a product of Don Bosco’s powerful ministry saving youth.

Prayer: Abba Father, we love you, we want you and we need you to pick us out of our darkness and lead us to your light. Amen.

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