Thursday JANUARY 18
Second Week in Ordinary Time
Freedom of the Spirit
  • 1 Samuel 18:6-9; 19:1-7
  • Psalm 56:2-3,9-13
  • Mark 3:7-12

In today’s Gospel proclamation, we are reminded of Jesus’ commitment to his Father to fulfil his purpose on earth. During his time on earth, he healed many sick people, made the lame walk, the deaf to hear and healed the paralysed. He helped those who were experiencing any sort of human sufferings. He used his power and authority to rebuke evil, so that those who were trapped were made free. During his ministry on earth, Jesus had people following him with the desire to be healed, cured and to search for freedom from the sufferings that they experienced. As the word spread, people who wanted healing started approaching him. Among them were the evil forces trying to destroy him. This reminds us that to the same level that we are surrounded by those who love, care, and genuinely seek to live a life in the Spirit, there is another group that can misguide us to move away from our purpose. Let us be on guard and choose wisely.

Abba Father, may I focus on the purpose you have for me. Guide me to fulfil it as you desire. Amen.

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