Tuesday August 9
Let us become child-like, not childish
  • Ezekiel 2:8--3:4
  • Psalm 119:14, 24,72,103,111,131
  • Matthew 18:1-5,10,12-14

In today’s Gospel proclamation, we learn that Jesus precipitated this conversation by asking the disciples what they had been discussing among themselves earlier. The disciples had become so preoccupied with the organization of Jesus’ earthly kingdom that they had lost sight of its divine purpose. Instead of seeking a place of service, they sought positions of power. It is easy to lose our eternal perspective and compete for promotions or status. It is difficult, but healthy, to identify with “children”- weak and dependent with no status or influence. Jesus used a child to help his self-centered disciples get the point. We are not to be childish – like the disciples, arguing over petty issues – but childlike, with humble and sincere hearts. Jesus warned that anyone who turns little children away from faith in him will receive severe punishment. In what areas of our lives do we tend to struggle with childishness? In what ways are we making progress with childlikeness?

Prayer: Abba Father, I do not want to miss the chance of eternal life with you. I surrender myself to you. Amen.

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