Saturday March 25
Nothing will be impossible with the Lord
  • Isaiah 7:10-14: 8, 10
  • Psalm 40:7-11
  • Hebrews 10:4-10
  • Luke 1:26-38

Today’s readings lead us to commemorate the most sublime event in history when the Son of God took human flesh in the womb of our Blessed Mother at the Annunciation. A virgin (Mary) as well as a barren woman (Elizabeth) conceiving are highlighted in the Gospel proclamation, when the angel Gabriel announces God’s message. Both occurrences are impossibilities at the human level, yet through the omnipotent God these were accomplished. Therefore when we go through struggles in life we must never lose heart. Let us imitate the Blessed Mother who held on to the promises of God. She was faithful in her obedience and trust in the Father. On this solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, let us remind ourselves of the omnipotence of God. Our all-knowing, all-powerful God is supreme and everything is possible with him. Our hopeless situations, helpless problems and unresolved matters can be resolved and made possible with our good Lord. Let us trust in him completely.

Prayer: Abba Father, deepen our faith to depend on you like our blessed Mother. Amen.

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