Friday October 28
Love alone attracts and changes the human heart
  • Ephesians 2:19-22
  • Psalm 19:2-5
  • Luke 6:12-19

Today is the feast of the apostles Saints Simon and Jude. The readings in- vite us to look into the foundation we have built for ourselves. What is it that we treasure the most and from where and whom do we draw our strength? The first reading reminds us that we are a people whose foundation is built strongly on the apostles and prophets and our cornerstone is Christ Jesus. Is this really our foundation? The reading also reminds us that our body is the temple of God. If we are wondering day and night about our purpose in this crisis situation, it is to become a way for God to come into the lives of others. He wants to talk to others through us. The Gospel proclamation describes how Jesus appointed his twelve apostles. These were the twelve that accompanied Jesus on his mission and there could be similar people placed in our lives irrespective of their choices in life. They may not always agree with us but God wants us to be with them anyway and accompany them and love them until God gives a breakthrough.

Prayer: Abba Father, setting aside our wants and desires may we do what is best for others. Amen.

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