Tuesday August 22
Memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Abundant peace
  • Judges 6:11-24
  • Psalm 85:9,11-14
  • Matthew 19:23-30

Today’s First reading and the Responsorial Psalm teach us about the peace we receive by trusting the Lord who is all knowing. We may be nervous, just like Gideon was, to face what is waiting for us in the future. We may fear the unknown, but God promises that he is always with us. God is the one sending us into our future. When we are his faithful servants he will guide and protect us. God promises us peace in him as he goes before us to prepare the way for our steps. We might have doubts just as Gideon did and at times question God if we should listen to him, but he is patient with us and shows us mercy even in our doubtfulness.

The peace that God gives us, surpasses all understanding because no matter what he is leading us through, we can always trust in him to do what is best for us. The Lord is our peace as we keep our eyes on his plan for our lives. We know that it can only come from him. May we find strength in trusting him and ask him to fill our hearts and minds with his abundant peace.

Prayer: Abba Father, thank you for the peace that you give us. Amen.

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