Monday October 3
Am I serving God through my neighbour?
  • Galatians 1:6-12
  • Psalm 111:1-2,7-10
  • Luke 10:25-37

In today’s Gospel proclamation a religious leader asks Jesus a question: “who is my neighbor?” We think of neighbours as people with whom we get along, with whom we have common interests and who respect and honour us. But Jesus challenges us on how we can can extend ourselves, by dying to our self-interest and putting the needs of our neighbours before our needs. The Parable of the Good Samaritan throws a light on how we have understood the Gospel. The Priest and the Levite were concerned of their need to protect themselves than to help a man who was beaten by robbers. They would have had to sacrifice their time and money on a stranger, who may not repay back and through whom they may not get any benefit. On the other hand we see a Samaritan considered as an enemy of Jews, who sees a man in need of help, reaches out and helps him with his time and resources and becomes his neighbour. Who is my neighbor? How will I respond to a stranger in need of my help? Do I respond like the Levite or do I reach out?

Prayer: Abba Father, may I have a heart to bring you to my neighbor by serving the needy. Amen.

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