Sunday 17th March 2024
God’s Plan
  • Jeremiah 31:31-34
  • Psalm 51:3-4,12-15
  • Hebrews 5:7-9
  • John 12:20-33

Today’s first reading shows a link between the Old and the New Testaments. Through prophet Jeremiah, God promised a new covenant. This new covenant will be completely different from the old one. Therefore, we hear in the first reading “All, from least to greatest, shall know me, says the Lord, for I will forgive their evildoing and remember their sin no more (Jer 31:34)”.

This new covenant written on the hearts of the people (Jer 31:33), will restore the broken relationship between humanity and God and create an opportunity for people to know God personally.

In his death and resurrection, this new covenant was established by our Lord Jesus Christ who forgave our sins and opened the gates of heaven for us. What an amazing God we have. We are invited into union with this same God who loves us and who always forgives our sins.

We are a part of the new covenant through our baptism. Yet, baptism is just the beginning. The second reading states that salvation is “for all who obey Jesus (Heb 5:9).” Therefore, we must live according to God’s commandments and allow his grace to transform us into the person he wants us to become. In the second reading, we also observe the
humanity of Christ as it clearly explains his sufferings: “He prayed with loud cries and tears to God who could save him from death (Heb 5:7)”. However, in surrender to God’s will, he knew that death was a part of God’s plan.

This reading can hold deep meaning because sometimes in life, difficult things that we cannot comprehend are thrown at us. We pray for an answer, but sometimes we do not receive the answer we desire. In those times, we need to understand that God has a plan which is more superior to ours. Even though we may not be able to understand, it is important to trust in God’s plan.

In the Gospel proclamation, Jesus announces that his “hour” has come (Jn 12:23) referring to his passion. He is about to be crucified for our sins. We see Jesus expressing anguish over his impending suffering. However, he submits himself completely to God and goes to the cross for our salvation.

Jesus offers us salvation from sin and, as a result, eternity with him in heaven. Are we willing to follow his ways by living in relationship with him? Jesus calls us into communion with him by aligning our will with his and obeying him. Are we willing to go where Jesus leads us?

PRAYER: Abba Father, help us to be more like Jesus your Son who loved us and died for our salvation. Amen.

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