Tuesday June 1
In distress, demand the Lord’s wisdom.
  • Tobit 2:9-14
  • Ps 112: 1-2, 7-9
  • Mark 12: 13-17

The story of Tobit and Anna, makes for a perfect family drama. But before we continue, the passage mentions, on the night of Pentecost. This Pentecost does not refer to the coming of the Holy Spirit but the Festival of Weeks which was a harvest-related festival in the rabbinic tradition.

Though Tobit had been blinded by the pigeon’s droppings, it did not change his personality. He still assumed he was right and his wife was wrong. He thought he had all the answers. His poor wife had worked hard and earned a hefty bonus by way of a goat but Tobit insisted that she had robbed it. In many families, suspicion and assumptions throw relationships into a sea of turmoil and bitterness. One partner though so badly disabled, still assumes he or she has the answers and stubbornly pushes for an answer. The wronged party can only be saved by a sure and firm faith in the Lord.

That’s why the Psalmist says – The heart of the just one is firm, trusting in the Lord. The just one is sure of his or her answer and purity and instead of focusing on the partner’s unreasonable accusations places his or her trust in the Lord. Often partners play the blame game. Everything in pinned on a person’s family and the person is cast as the sole cause of all sadness and pain. The unreasonable behaviour of one person causes the other person much pain and sadness and the best resort is the feet of the Lord.

Our Lord Jesus was faced with the unreasonable wicked questions of the Pharisees and Herodians who were eager to trap Him. The question arose about the payment of taxes and the Lord had a revelation from the Holy Spirit. He replied by urging them to look at the denarius coin and repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. This made them seal their mouths in shame. Anna also had a good answer to give Tobit..”Where are your charitable acts now? Your true character is finally showing itself.” In a way she was saying Charity begins at home, Show some love and concern to your tired wife instead of falsely accusing her of robbery and theft. Let us learn not to be too clever in judging people and on the other hand remain firm and trusting when falsely accused.

Prayer: Abba Father, you know my heart and intentions. Save me when accused and give me the grace to fix my gaze on you. Amen

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