Thursday July 15
Resting in God’s love
  • Exodus 3: 13-20
  • Psalm 105: 1, 5, 8-9, 24-27
  • Matthew 11: 28-30

The Lord loves his people so much that he led them into the Promised Land where they could rest and live in peace away from their enemies. However we know that many battles and wars took place before and after their arrival in Israel. Even in May 2021, we saw how violence again took place in the land that God led his people into.

The Gospel points out that the rest that God intends for his people, is not a geographical location, but a rest that can be found by living in Christ. The Lord invites all of us no matter what our situations maybe. He wants us to rest in his love, to be nourished at his feet, and to be strengthened by his grace, so that we can become messengers of his love. As St. Bonaventure said, “The Holy Spirit comes where he is loved, where he is invited and where he is expected.” As we spend time in prayer, let us invite the Holy Spirit to make God’s love a tangible experience in our lives so that we can rest in the arms of our Father.

Prayer: Abba Father, I want to rest in your embrace and to feel your love overflowing in my life – Amen.

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