Wednesday April 14
God’s amazing love
  • Acts 5: 17-26
  • Ps 34: 2-9
  • John 3: 16-21

Today’s first reading demonstrates the work of the Holy Spirit in two simple fishermen who rebelled against the powerful authorities. People flocked to hear them not only to listen to their preaching and witness the miracles, but in response to their powerful lives that they and the new Christians were leading.

They lived out what they preached joyously, accepting each other, and sharing all they had with the less fortunate. They were models of a joyous life– lived to the fullest even in the most challenging circumstances and they offered the greatest gift of all the Lord Jesus had promised – an abundant life. The High Priests and the Sanhedrin tried to stop them, but they could not lock up the truth and conviction of the Apostles, who preferred to obey God rather than man. They were not concerned with intellectual arguments, but simply proclaimed the saving power of the cross. The Holy Spirit did the rest.

The Gospel speaks about the true love of God our Father, which should strike the heart of every follower of the Lord Jesus. It was God the Father who loved us first. Isn’t it an unimaginable thought that He loves us as much as He loves His Son? He gave what was dearest and the best, so that humanity would have eternal life. The unlovable, the ugly, the sinners and even those who put Him to death – all are included in this love.

The experience of this wonderful sacrifice on the cross was what encouraged the Apostles to communicate this same experience to the people. What is our response to this amazing love? Should we not yearn to know the Lord Jesus and grow deeply in Him that we carry His fragrance wherever we go? Our behavior and actions should manifest the presence of the Lord Jesus in us. We need not preach but the way we act should make people curious to know why we live the way we do. Am I leading a life in the flesh which is aligned with worldly desires, subject to fear, favour, and approval of people rather than that of God? Or am I witnessing to our Lord Jesus according to my Baptismal calling?

Prayer: Abba Father, the love I experience through Your Son, our Lord Jesus has filled me with freedom, joy, and peace. Give us the grace to defeat darkness and become a child of Your Light. Amen!

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