Friday 02nd October
Lord give me the grace to be meek and humble
  • Exodus 23 : 20 - 23
  • Psalm 90: 1-6, 10-11
  • Matthew 18 : 1-5, 10

God wanted us to have complete mastery and authority over what He had created. However when we decided to usurp authority from God, and operate on our own, most things turned into chaos. Pride went before the fall.

God in His forgiving love, tells His people that He would guide them back to Him. He cautions them to be humble and attentive to what He says. Failure to listen would bring the consequences of their actions. Obedience would open the doors to that harmonious state that existed before the fall.

The psalmist invites us to come under the shelter and authority of God, to do what He says, and not operate on our “I know better” attitude. If we allow God to sit on the throne of our hearts, and give marching orders to the egoistic security guard inside us, – that has been guiding us, telling us what is right and wrong, and making a mess of most things, – things will fall into correct alignment and order. Psalm 91 says that such people need not fear even deadly viruses.

As a child I came under obedience to the authority of my parents. I knew they were capable of supplying my material and spiritual needs. Life was secure. I would dare not have told them that I was capable of taking care of myself. It would have been stupid on my part. Times of painful punishment were also there, that kept me from wrong and disciplined me. The gospel proclamation invites us to the pre-fall condition that Adam enjoyed. That is by being submissive and humble like children, coming under the authority of God.

Let us be humble enough to get up and allow the Lord to take His throne within us. He will reveal our under developed compulsions and drives; our naked subconscious, that says I know things and insights others do not know or have. May He restore us to that perfect alignment and harmony we enjoyed, and thereby share and partake of His Kingdom in Christ Jesus for all eternity.

Prayer: Abba Father, may I learn from your Son to be meek and humble, and thereby share in your glory. Amen.

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