Thursday April 20
“We must obey God rather than humans beings.”
  • Acts 5:27-33
  • Psalm 34:2,9,17-20
  • John 3:31-36

We live in a world where value systems change daily. We keep drifting away from a life that is rooted in the Word of God. Often we blame it on the “Change in times”. We adopt different lifestyles to adapt and conform to the pattern of the new world that we are responsible for. There is such a drastic change in family life over the years. For example look at family meal times and how families gathered together. Today, each has their own schedule: parents prioritise work and children prioritise tuition classes over famile meals. This was an example to illustrate how the family dynamic has changed and how we subtly allow the norms of the world to be absorbed into our lives. How much more then are we away from spiritual exercises that calls for time of prayer and reflection, and following God’s will. We have adopted lifestyles centred on things that do not matter. Look at St. Peter and the apostles: “We must obey God rather than people.” It is a call to examine our hearts. We have to be vigilant and purposeful in our calling.

Prayer: Abba Father, may we be so connected to you that we are not swayed by the world. Amen.

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