Sunday August 22
Serving God should not be just lipservice but obedience
  • Joshua 24: 1-2, 15-18
  • Psalm 34: 2-3, 16-23
  • Ephesians 5: 2, 21-32
  • John 6: 60-69

Life is one journey of choices. Every moment of the way we are offered the option to turn left or right and in some cases forward. Often we are told not to look back in regret. But every choice we make leads to a whole news world of happenings and opportunities.

God has given us the free will to make these choices at every moment of our life. Our religious formation conditions us to make better choices and gives us awareness of the implication of wrong choices. Today many young people are ardent supporters of a view or opinion formed from a different set of experiences. They become firebrand promoters of their view and remain fully convinced of their stand. In our experience, when we submit to the love and anointing of the Holy Spirit, we begin to melt and thaw in areas of our thinking and our approach to various issues takes on a different perspective.

Joshua who was the leader of the Israelites summoned all the tribes and shared his stand that he was aware of the influence of the other gods in the lives of the people but he declared, “As for me, I and my household will serve Yahweh.” Joshua 24:15

As we delve further into the readings, the letter to the Ephesians talks about submission in the form of obedience. The love between a husband and wife is likened to the relationship between Christ and the Church. This mystery can only be understood in prayer and worship.

In the Gospel proclamation, our Lord Jesus tells his disciples that they will have to eat His body and drink His blood. This really puts off many people and it is recorded that many left our Lord because they could not understand the significance and meaning of our Lord’s words.

Often in our journey with the Lord, we will not understand His direction and the way forward. We do not have to understand everything or know the logic behind every word. Th truth is that our minds cannot process or understand the full significance of what God has planned for us and has in store for us. Can we expect a child in the womb to know about career development or astronomy? Even when we are lost for words or lack understanding let us respond like St. Peter when he said. “Lord to whom shall we go, you have the words of eternal life.” The Lord expects obedience which is the best expression of love. Obedience speaks louder than words.

Prayer: Abba Father, I accept that in this earthly journey I will always be a novice and in need of your direction and wisdom. Show me the way Amen.

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