Saturday May 22
You must follow me
  • Acts 28: 16-20, 30-31
  • Ps 11: 4-7
  • John 21: 20-25

In today’s reading, we see the calling placed on St. Peter, St. John and St. Paul. They faced hardship and persecution as they were tried and tested. St. Paul shares about how he was arrested without reason. One may question why would a person want to continue doing something, when he/she is persecuted, rejected, bound in chains. What is clear is that the Power of the Resurrection brought along with it another kind of fire into their lives;a fire that cannot be blown away in the midst of hardship and suffering, but only increases and continues to spread further and deeper. The more persecution they faced the more they were glad and rejoiced.

In the Gospel Proclamation, we see how the Lord Jesus Himself called St. Peter saying, “You must follow me” (vs 22). The background to today’s Gospel passage is where the Lord Jesus, asked St. Peter to look after his flock – that is us, the Church. From this day forward, throughout the history of the church there have been many struggles and hardships, but the calling that was placed on St. Peter remains the same to date. In the 1st letter of St. Peter 2:9, St. Peter confirmed this when he says “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”
Today, this same calling is placed on our lives as well, but we may have our doubts and fears about accomplishing this great task given to us. Let us remind ourselves that St. Peter was only a fisherman, and if he could do it we could do it too.

The Risen Christ has now come to accompany us through this mis- sion into eternity. Our brokenness, our struggles, our limitations are no longer a limitation, because He is now in us and brings us into His perfection through His salvation. As we are on the Eve of Pentecost, let us prepare our hearts and minds and desire for this experience to come alive in our hearts today.

Prayer: Abba Father, we desire more and more of your Son Jesus in our lives. Fill us with the fire of Your Holy Spirit and empower us to fulfill Your mission here on earth. Amen

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