Sunday January 30
You are who God says you are!
  • Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19
  • Psalm 71:1-5, 17-19
  • 1 Corinthians 13:4-13
  • Luke 4:21-30

Today’s liturgy focuses on setting us, God’s people in the correct mindset as we journey through life. We know that we are God’s children through Baptism. Yet, often we live a powerless joyless life, unworthy of children of God.

The first reading and the Gospel proclamation speak to us, through prophet Jeremiah and our Lord Jesus. God virtually commands us to know and acknowledge our true identity in His eyes. Each of us has been created uniquely, for a specific mission in the Body of Christ. We are reminded of this identity received in our Baptism as priest, prophet and king, anointed by the Heavenly Father.

As priests, we need to bring the divine and human together, living in the deepest intimacy with Christ, bringing the world around us back to Christ, in and through our lives firmly rooted in Him. We do this by keeping Christ at the center of our life, giving Him the first place in every decision. Then our lives become the right worship, and we can turn our world back to an Eden. As every priest needs to offer a sacrifice, we too need to offer a sacrifice. On a personal level we offer our independence and ego as we choose to submit to God’s will in everything. At a family level we sacrifice our desire to primarily make our children shine in the world and focus on making them disciples of Christ.

As prophets, we are to see everyone through the eyes of God. This will change the world around us significantly, as we refuse to judge people but choose to see them as Christ saw the woman caught in adultery.

As kings in the Kingdom of God, we are to use the authority given by our Heavenly Father. We are not to be victimized by enemy’s lies and faulty values of this world, but are to fill our minds with the true values of heaven and allow them to flow into our families, workplaces and our neighborhood. Lord Jesus was forced to accept He was the just a carpenter’s son, but He stood firm in the certainty of His identity as God’s Son, as revealed to Him in baptism.

The Second Reading clarifies the attitude we are to have as we live and minister as beloved children of God. We are to serve others in love alone. If we have no love, we have nothing.

Prayer: Abba Father, I pray that we Christians will be transformed by renewing our minds, to live in our true identity as Your sons and daughters. Amen

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