Tuesday May 25
Letting go of “Me”

Many years back I used to believe that the gospel passage of today only applied to people who were ordained for religious life. Due to the passage mainly telling us about “letting go”, but today I realize that it is not about letting go of houses, family or friends to live a hermit life. Truly it is first and foremost letting go of “me, myself and I”. It is our natural inclination even in our acts of goodness or our pretense of goodness to seek, what is in it for me?

How could I benefit from this? We see it today in the opening lines of the gospel reading; St. Peter having invested in ourLord Jesus expecting something in return. The response our Lord gives seems to suggest they would inherit a significant amount of wealth even in persecution. What it speaks to me is that,it is about giving priority to the gospel and Our Lord Jesus above everything or anyone else that also means above ourselves.

Further, our Lord implies that we are not meant live alone but to live in communion, first with God and then with our fellow human beings. It is only when we live selfishly that families, communities the world around get destroyed. Yes, we will inherit, but through fellowship with others for the sake of the gospel. And in the end our Lord Jesus points to a life eternal as our final destination but it is hard to hold unto this fact when we keep holding unto what is on earth, holding unto things and people on earth primarily because we worry about our peace and security, with that ourselves as the primary focus.

We do not need to get caught up in this rat race of being superior in this world, the only thing ours, is our will, and today we have the power to choose through our will to say; Lord you increase in me, while I decrease. When we make this conscious choice we will benefit so will the world around us. This can happen only when we let go of ourselves, it is a daily struggle that cannot be done unless we make the Lord No 1 in our life.Pay attention many who are now first will be last, and the last first. Imagine hearing the words one day, “Well done my good and faithful servant” (Mt.25:21)

Prayer: Abba Father, increase in me, while I decrease. Help me let go of me and embrace your Son wholeheartedly. Amen

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