Thursday July 27
Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time
God chooses people
  • Exodus 19:1-2,9-11,16-20
  • Daniel 3:52-56
  • Matthew 13:10-17

Today’s first reading describes God’s revelation of himself to his people. Moses was the chosen person for God to minister to his people. The role of the chosen person is to carry out the necessary instructions, which Moses did. People were prepared to meet their God. The presence of God made them tremble and they experienced the presence of God. It was important for God that his people trust Moses. One way that we could identify God’s chosen people is the life conduct and obedience to God’s instructions. Those who adhere to the Word of God are chosen persons. At present we see the thirst of the people to see and hear God. Majority of people often see and hear God through the chosen instruments of God. We see an important dialogue in the Gospel proclamation. Figurative speech is used for people to understand. God who is in human form was explaining the secrets of heaven. Those who would hear the Word and wait upon the Lord would be given more wisdom. Let us be vigilant.

Prayer: Abba Father, grant me grace to hear and see you through your Word and become a doer of your Word. Amen.

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