Thursday March 25
When was your moment, what has been your response?
  • Isaiah 7: 10-14; 8:10
  • Ps 40: 7-11
  • Heb 10: 4-10
  • Luke 1: 26-38

In the Christian world, across the centuries, the Annunciation has been a popular theme. It refers to the announcement of the arrival of our Lord and Saviour Jesus into the world through the ‘Yes’ of the Blessed Mother.

The first reading from Prophet Isaiah speaks of King Ahaz having a visitation from the Lord encouraging him to ask for a sign. That sign was a defining question and was the prophecy to a birth that was to take place roughly 500 years later. It would be a shift where the God of the Heavens would become Immanuel – God with us – and humankind’s relationship with the world would be forever transformed.

In the Gospel proclamation, Angel Gabriel visits the Blessed Mother and breaks the news of the impending birth of our Lord Jesus Christ to her. The words the angel uses carry such significance – “Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you.’ Luke 1: 27. These words were being declared over the life of the Blessed Mother much before the ministry of our Lord Jesus. Here was a young girl, already filled with the grace of God and having the presence of the Lord! The angel then addresses her fears of the future as the Blessed Mother cannot seem to comprehend the full extent of her being a conduit for the presence of the Lord to become real on the earth. Finally, the Blessed Mother’s response is – “I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me as you have said.” She was saying – Here I am to do the will of God. This was also the response of our Lord Jesus as detailed in Hebrews 10 where the writer to the Hebrews quotes our Lord’s response to the call of the Father. Our Lord Jesus’ to the Father’s call was – Here I am, I have come to do your will.” Each of us has a moment of annunciation when a word speaks to our heart, or a word of knowledge is given to us regarding a pressing issue. In that moment of grace, God tells us that He loves us, He addresses our fears of the future and He awaits our response. With our personal annunciation, the God of the Heavens becomes Immanuel – God with us. Today have you told the Lord – Here I am Lord, I have come to do your will.

Prayer: Abba Father, I await the moment of annunciation in my life. I pray for the grace to respond as you want me to as our Blessed Mother did. Amen

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