Monday 23rd November
What value does life have if not to be given?
  • Rev 14 : 1 - 5
  • Psalm 23 : 1-6
  • Luke 21 : 1 - 4

Human Existence unfolds in the service of the world. Humans complete themselves by giving of themselves, sacrificing themselves. On this Christian principle, Anne Vercors commented before the dead body of his daughter, in Paul Citadel’s ‘The tidings brought to Mary’. “Perhaps the end of life is living? And perhaps the children of God remain sure footed on the wretched earth? Not living but dying- and giving in gladness all that we have. This is joy, liberty, grace, eternal youth! What value does the world have compared with life? And what value does life have if not to be given?”

The first Reading takes us back to the place in history when John the Baptist proclaims, “Behold the Lamb of God”. In heaven we see the same vision from St John the apostle of the ‘Lamb standing on mount Zion,’ and the vision of the thousands praising and worshipping the Lamb of God. Are we sure of being in that crowd some day?

Living in this world means dying to ourselves, giving of our time, sharing our possessions, showing our love, care and concern for our brothers and sisters. It is an opportune time to remember to look at our lives and see where we are in the journey of discipleship. We are called to be disciples of Christ. That is the purpose and meaning of our life on earth.

Are we only concentrating on the externals? In the Gospel of St Luke, the Lord Jesus states that others gave from the bounteous wealth they had. What are our hearts centered on? Is He the center of our lives? Do we realize that we are sinners and need forgiveness? Do we realize that life is not just about us?

The poor Widow with the act of giving, gave all she had. In her poverty, she displayed true discipleship. She was surrendered to God. She was one who longed to see the face of God and could be counted as one of the thousands praising and worshipping God. That should be the aim of every child of God – to see His face.

Prayer: Abba Father, may we know You with a heart surrendered to You. Amen.

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