Saturday August 19
Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time
What is our true identity?
  • Joshua 24:14-29
  • Psalm 16:1-2,5, 7-8,11
  • Matthew 19:13-15

We live in busy chaotic times, and we are surrounded by commercialism of the secular world. We lose ourselves in the fast paced world. We are forever running a mile to keep up with rapid changes of technology, economic uncertainty and global challenges occurring around us. We keep chasing the next dollar or rupee and we lose who we are, we lose our identity in Christ. In the middle of day to day life, we may have replaced God with other things: our children, our spouses, our jobs, our intellect, our businesses our assets or our position in society. Today, as we search the depths of our hearts, we are reminded that we are his ‘beloved – we are God’s children.’ In the First reading, we reflect on the many choices we have to make in our daily struggles to walk with the Lord. We may even be rejected and mocked by the secular world but can we stand in faith and declare that we choose to serve the Lord? As we reflect on this truth, who do we believe we are? What is our true identity in Christ?

Prayer: Abba Father, may we remember who you are and keep our eyes focused on you alone. Amen.

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