Friday April 23
Expressions of His Love
  • Acts 9: 1-20
  • Ps 117: 1-2
  • John 6: 52-59

Throughout the ages the mighty God has shown His infinite love in many ways through His word and miracles. The greatest expression of that love was shown on Calvary when Jesus Christ took our sins upon Himself on that cross (John 3:16) and He continues expressing His love through the Holy Spirit sent to be with us forever (John 14:16).

In today’s gospel proclamation we are introduced to one of the most powerful expressions of God’s love, the Eucharist: which is the body and blood of our Lord as He said “unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you”. Put it simply, we become what we feed on and worship, on a daily basis.
I watched this movie many years ago of a famous personality; a per- son loved and known by many and deeply sought after by the media. In her struggles she also sought the world and fed on the media to relate her story. Few years later there was no way out for her from the media, she became prey to them like the weak becomes prey to the powerful in a food chain. In the end the very thing she fed on caused a fatal downfall.

A thought to ponder; what are we feeding on? Are we feeding on unhealthy habits, unhealthy relationships, judgement and slander or is it on Social media and news that we feed on? None of which brings eternal life, just fear and anxiety. Unlike in the world where the powerful preys on the weakest, here the Most powerful God becomes a tiny piece of bread so we could consume Him. And be raised on the last day. When we partake of this meal He renews us and comes alive. The Eucharist is the liv- ing presence of Jesus Christ and one of the greatest expressions of God’s love. It is the heart of the Church, the temple of God which cannot be destroyed by humans.

If we are carrying a burden, let us spend time with the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. He will never fail to enter our lives.
Prayer: Abba Father, help me encounter Your presence and power through the Eucharist. Amen

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