Saturday September 3
Everything we have is a gift from God
  • 1 Corinthians 4:6-15
  • Psalm 145:17-21
  • Luke 6:1-5

It is tempting to apply the words of the first reading to politicians and leaders, but it applies to all of us. In one way or another we often compare ourselves and boast of our accomplishments, even in ministry. There is a spark of pride and joy when someone appreciates our preaching, our music or other forms of serving in the community. As St. Paul says, everything we have, we have received as gifts from God alone. So how can we boast? Instead we are to give all glory to God, because it is he who has empowered us, transformed us and moulded us into who we are today. It is also possible that we sometimes are like the Pharisees seeking to follow the letter of the law, instead of the spirit of the law. We have been given true freedom in Christ, so let us not burden ourselves and others into following obsolete laws. Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath, he is the Master of our lives, let us seek only to please him by loving God and loving our neighbours as we love ourselves.

Prayer: Abba Father, thank you for transforming me. Amen.

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