Tuesday July 4
Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Trust in the Lord
  • Genesis 19:15-29
  • Psalm 26:2-3,9-12
  • Matthew 8:23-27

At times, fear makes us feel stuck in our lives. Fear about the future, fear to take a risk, fear to be with someone we love. As a matter of fact, fear for our own life due to these uncertainties, makes it difficult to move forward in faith. I also have come across similar situations, where I feared about my future and that is normal for anyone. However, we should know that we are believing that God is greater.

He created everything in the universe and everything is possible to him. In the Holy Scriptures, Joshua 1:9 says: “Do not tremble or be afraid, because the Lord, your God, is with you wherever you go.” We have his assurance all the time, wherever we are in this world, what is crucial is our faith. In my life I still have no idea, what the future will bring to me but I have a strong faith which consoles my heart that my God will do something beautiful. He will never leave us orphans. Therefore, let us walk this journey together in faith, no matter what comes along the way since we have God with us. If God is with us who can be against us.

Prayer: Abba Father, let me hold onto you even when it feels difficult. Amen.

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