Thursday April 22
Draw me close to you, feed me, send me
  • Acts 22: 8, 26-40
  • Ps 66: 8-9, 16-20
  • John 6: 44-51

In today’s Gospel proclamation, the Lord Jesus teaches us that it is his Father who draws one to believe and that those who believe in the Lord Jesus have everlasting life. The Father is ever drawing us into the life of the Blessed Trinity. Drawing us through people we meet, through successes and failures, disappointments, trials. Do we not learn more from our seeming failures
than our successes?

As we look at our lives, where are we? Do we allow ourselves to be drawn by the Father though our mundane daily lives? Do we see his loving hand gently guiding us through situations and circumstances, drawing us ever closer to his heart?

The Lord Jesus reiterates the point that he is the bread of life from heaven, and that those who ate manna died. But those who eat of Him will not die. The Lord Jesus feeds us with both the revelation of his Word and the Eucharistic body and blood. In the first reading we see the Eunuch travelling on a desert road diligently searching for God. He had gone to worship in the temple and is now continu- ing this search by reading the scriptures. This search is rewarded by God who sends Philip to minister to him. And he is fed with the bread (Word) as the Risen Lord is proclaimed. As we travel the desert roads of life do we continue to try to fulfil our temporal needs trying to survive? And in searching for life, do meet death instead, through slavery to sin and addictions? Or do we continue to diligently search for God through attending the Holy Eucharist and other sacraments and by reading and reflecting on the Word of God allowing this life giving bread to flow through our lives? The Lord Jesus knows how to meet our daily needs. As we put him first in our lives he will meet every other need. (Matthew 6:33).
It is the Holy Spirit who is ever present who leads Philip to minister to this particular Eunuch, a minister to the Queen of Ethiopia. We who have received the baptism of the HolySpirit, are we open to the leading of the Holy Spirit? When we sense his gentle voice do we obey him? Are we willing to be witnesses to the Risen Lord?

Prayer: Abba Father, I come to you as I am, draw me close to your heart, feed me with the bread of life and send me to be your witness in this world. Amen

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