Sunday July 9
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
What does it mean to truly ‘live’?
  • Zechariah 9:9-10
  • Psalm 145: 1-2,8-11,13-14
  • Romans 8:9,11-13
  • Matthew 11:25-30

In his wisdom, God the Father created all that we see and do not see. He gave us an imagination to imagine the unseen. We are all blessed equally but possess different attributes that differentiate us from one another. So then, what does it mean to ‘live’? We all have different definitions to the words ‘live/living’ that stem from the inner most of our being. Some of us are nurtured by the pressures of this world and some are nurtured by the word of God.

To some ‘living’ would encompass all that is seen in the physical world and its comforts. To some others ‘living’ would mean simply being, to allow the circumstances of life to rule their senses. To others, ‘living’ would mean to take charge over your senses and align it or subject it to the word of God.

Let us look at St. Paul and his message to the Romans in today’s second reading: “Consequently brothers and sisters we are not debtors to the flesh to live according to the flesh – for if we live according to the flesh we die – but by the Spirit we put to death the deeds of the flesh.” St. Paul is talking about a life in the Spirit which makes us rise above the pulls of the flesh. What are the pulls of the flesh? In essence is it not an inner most urge to be accepted, appreciated and exalted by people? And if we consider what that really gains us, is it not a temporary feeling of happiness?

When St. Paul says we are not debtors to the flesh, is he not saying that we do not have to prove anything to ourselves, or to people, or those that we mistakenly hold in high esteem?
If we continue living in the flesh we are never going to have perfect peace. We will have strife in the storm, sadness in the plenty and instability in relationships.

On the contrary, a life in the Spirit will be a true and better way to live. A life where we will have peace in the storm, contentment in relation- ships and joy unending because the Spirit of God that lives inside us will empower us to experience a life of abundance that Jesus talks of. So which way would we choose to live? The Lord invites all who labour and are burdened to come to him and rest. Let us take up this invitation, surrender our ways of thinking and acting, and learn from him. His example is one of humility. If we are humble, the world might ridicule us, but it is the way that the Lord has shown us. Will we choose the Lord’s way?

Prayer: Abba Father, empower us to make the right choices every day. Amen.

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