Friday October 15
Purify my heart
  • Romans 4:1-8
  • Psalm 32:1-2, 5, 11
  • Luke 12:1-7

The Lord reminds us of our external and internal union with God, just like Saint Teresa of Avila, who had a mystical union with God. Am I right with God? As we look into ourselves, let us become aware of the sins hidden deep within ourselves, those we do not want to think of, sins we commit in the silence of our hearts, the evil and selfish thoughts, the lustful and egoistic habits/deeds, our past, our nature that we keep hidden behind closed doors. Let us pray to him: Lord, I acknowledge and confess my sin and my guilt, you gave your life for me. Lord, forgive me and fill me with your salvation. Our God is all knowing. He is our loving Father. We are precious to Him. “You are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your
life”. (Isaiah 43:4) Let us allow the fire of the Holy Spirit to purify us and make us whole, so that we can accomplish the mission entrusted to us.

Abba Father, my heart’s one desire, is to be holy, set apart for you, my master, ready to do Your will. Amen

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