Monday July 19
God can make us walking miracles.
  • Exodus 14:5-18
  • Exodus 15:1-6
  • Matthew 12:38-42

The Pharisees were asking for another miraculous sign, but they were not sincerely seeking Jesus. He knew they had already seen enough miracles to convince them, if they would just open their hearts. But they had already decided not to believe in him, and more miracles would not change that. In Jonah’s parable, we read how he tried to run from his assignment and ended up spending three days in the belly of a fish. When Jonah got out, he grudgingly went to Nineveh, preached God’s message, and saw the city repent. By contrast, when Jesus came to his people, they refused to repent. Jesus is saying that his resurrection will prove that he is the Messiah. Many say, “If I could just see a real miracle, then I could believe in God.” But Jesus’ response to the Pharisees applies to us also. We have seen his work through believers.

How do we respond to the miracles we see? Do we still seek for more miracles? Instead, let us allow him to use our lives as miracles to reach others.

Prayer: Abba Father, I surrender to the truth and the great commission you have granted me – Amen.

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