Saturday June 25
Let us trace our steps back to God
  • Lamentations 2:2, 10-14, 18-19
  • Psalm 74:1-7, 20-21
  • Luke 2:41-51

When we deviate from our plans, we frantically wonder where God is through all of this. Amid confusion and disorientation, we seek God, frustrated that He is not where He should be. We read that Mary and Joseph worriedly searched for Jesus. We often do the same, as if it is God who is lost, and not us. When Jesus’ parents finally found him at the temple, Jesus asks, “Didn’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house?”. The Gospel says that Mary pondered these words in her heart; so, must we today. Jesus is always exactly where He needs to be, fulfilling His Divine Will and eternal promises. It is we who get caught up and tend to lose sight of the perfect ways of the Father. Mary found the peace to endure His suffering, faith to await His resurrection, and hope that even in death, He is God. So, in confusion and anxiety, no longer should we believe that God has abandoned us or disappeared out of reach, but let us learn like Mary, to trace our steps back to Him, His heart and will, and join Him in the Father’s House.

Prayer: Abba Father, create in us a heart like Mary’s, to never forget that You are our perfect God in all circumstances. Amen.

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