Saturday July 31
Standing for the truth.
  • Leviticus 25: 1, 8-17
  • Psalm 67: 2-3, 5, 7-8
  • Matthew 14:1-12

Today’s Gospel reminds us that we are to speak up when we see others doing wrong. It would have been convenient for John the Baptist to justify not taking a stand against the rulers of the day, and to continue with his ministry of preaching repentance and baptising people…after all it is for God that he would remain alive. John was focused on his mission but he put honouring God with his life first before his mission. John had “The fear of God” ever present through his actions. Today’s first reading ends with the same instruction, “Fear the Lord”. How often do we justify our actions based on the same premise? Do our lives portray this exacting statement of fearing God. A fear that stems from hurting our Father who gave his only Son for us, that we can be reconciled to Him. John the Baptist did not see how Jesus was crucified for our salvation. We have experienced the effects of salvation. Will we take a stand for what is right at any cost?

Prayer: Abba Father, give us the grace to stand up for your word, forsaking the cost to ourselves. Amen.

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