Friday October 21
Be attentive to the signs of the Kingdom
  • Ephesians 4:1-6
  • Psalm 24:1-6
  • Luke 12:54-59

The Lord Jesus wants us to be attentive to the different signs in our lives. Some of the signs we receive are from God. Other signs or clues may come from the people in our lives, from family, friends or strangers. Sometimes, we ignore or deny what we see, and what seems obvious. It is easy for us to blame others than do something when we can actually respond to the call. Sometimes we see violent, painful and tragic situations around us, but God has a plan that could raise us up even amidst such pain and tragedy.

At times it is difficult to see God’s presence, but we need to hold on. Let us pray that the Lord Jesus will change our hearts and our lives that we may fully live for him. Let us seek his help in choosing what is right and turn away from sin and from attachments to worldliness which keep us from loving and serving him wholeheartedly. May he open our eyes and ears so we can see and hear his signs. Let us also repent for being hopeless and for giving up so easily sometimes.

Prayer: Abba Father, may we live a life worthy of our calling, may we walk humbly, patiently and lovingly. Amen.

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