Friday May 6
Beyond human rationalization.
  • Acts 9:1-20
  • Psalm 117:1-2
  • John 6:52-59

In today’s first reading we read about Ananias who tried to rationalize with God regarding Paul. Sometimes we too are like that. We reason out and find excuses to avoid God’s will and calling on our lives. As believers who are led by the Holy Spirit, we need to surrender our reasonings and excuses to obey God’s calling. When we follow the Lord’s leading, we will become powerful witnesses to those around us. In the Gospel proclamation we see Jesus preaching about the importance of receiving him in the Eucharist. He preached this because some believers had started to rationalize and wonder how one could eat the body and drink the blood of Jesus. However the Lord’s plan was the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Our senses may not perceive it, but in reality whenever we receive the Holy Eucharist we are receiving the true body and blood of Jesus. Let us pray that the Lord will increase our faith to see beyond human rationalizations, because his plan and power is way beyond our understanding and logic.

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