Friday July 29
God himself is love
  • 1 John 4:7-16
  • Psalm 34:2-11
  • John 11:19-27

In today’s Gospel proclamation Jesus asks a question from Martha, “Do you believe this?” This seems to be a recurring pattern in most of Jesus’ miracles. ‘I know what I can do, but do you believe it?’ And this belief is a key part of drawing down God’s power into our lives. Part of faith is a gift from God, another part of faith should come from within us, using our free will that God has given us, we can proclaim this faith through our mouths and our hearts. When we are full of faith, it leads to love, hope and charity.

In the first reading, we see the most important of them all: Love. We are called to love one another, as God himself is love. Let us bring to our minds, the hardest people to love in our life, they are quite often the people closest to us. Remember that Jesus gave his life for all of these people too. Love must be the most difficult thing to do out of everything written in the Bible, yet it is the most important of all, because, love is without discrimination, we cannot pick and choose whom to love, because God loves all humanity.

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