Monday November 7
Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal
  • Titus 1:1-9
  • Psalm 24:1-6
  • Luke 17:1-6

In today’s readings, we are reminded of our purpose on earth. Some of us live on this earth not as a pilgrimage but as if everything would end here. We are full of pride, passion and attachment to the things of this world. However, eternal life has been the promise from the beginning. This is what Jesus came to remind us of. And he even changed our perception of God where we can call him our Father and Jesus Christ our brother and become one body and one family. We often tend to forget this as we get caught up in the day-to-day activities and the things we love. Jesus Christ always knew this as the truth of his life. Not that the world will pass but that his Father is the Alpha and the Omega. Our beginning and the end. This truth sets apart any other concepts we have in life. We just need to hold on to this truth and it will help us face any difficulty in life. Our life does not end on earth. What ends here is just our body of flesh. Let us keep this in mind so that we truly live in this truth knowing what is truly important in this life.

Prayer: Abba Father, nothing is impossible for you. I believe that you can intervene in all situations and make the impossible happen. Amen.

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