Friday June 2
See to believe, or believe to see?
  • Sirach 44:1.9-13
  • Psalm 149:1-6,9
  • Mark 11:11-26

We live in a world where we have got our thinking upside down, wrong way up. In our day to day life, when dealing with family, friends or business we find honour and trust being diluted to not bring out the true essence of the Word. Jesus says to his disciples “Have faith in God.” God is calling us to have faith in him, to have faith in his living word so that we can call into being things we do not see. Jesus’ words first call us to believe in order to see. So what happens when we do the opposite? We will simply not see it. We often focus on the scriptures and we try our best to believe, but when we place the emphasis on the other side of the coin, the reality sinks deeper and facilitates a more positive approach. Today’s Gospel proclamation also highlights God’s view on forgiveness. The barrier to our prayer being heard by God is if our hearts are hardened towards anyone. “I desire mercy not sacrifice” (Mark 9:13 and Hosea 6:6). Let us get our thinking straight and be a hope filled generation.

Prayer: Abba Father, thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to guide us to walk by faith and not by sight. Amen.

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