Sunday December 25
Celebrating the Mission, Message and Messenger
  • Isaiah 52:7-10
  • Psalm 98:1-6
  • Hebrews 1:1-6
  • John 1:1-8

Recently, the writer of quite a few Gospel songs almost renounced his church and faith due to certain scandals in his church. Further, a well-known apologist after his demise was found to have led a double life. Though they drew us close to God with their talents and inspiration there was a splintering in their message, mission and ministry.

In contrast, today we celebrate the Birth of a person who was a merging of so many key aspects. He is the word and so He is the message. He came as the Messenger revealing to us words of life and establishing a deep relationship between us and the Father. And His mission was that we be saved from sin and delivered to the Kingdom of Heaven.

As the word says in Him was life and light of the world. In our Lord Jesus we find the culmination or the merger of a life-changing and world-changing mission, a humble inspiring messenger and a deep soul stirring message. And they all hold together bringing us daily inspiration and hope. We can turn to Him whose feet bring the Good News into our lives.

Is it only the Good News that He brings us? No, this message and person are packed with salvific power, a potential to urge us daily from our slumber and sin and when we invite Him into our mess and misery there is a peace that passes all understanding that takes over. We are made whole.

Today, we do not just celebrate the presence of our Lord Jesus on this earth, but each of us today like the Blessed Mother, through a life of repentance and prayer can carry this child’s presence in our hearts. Today we celebrate the fact that each of us has the potential to become walking tabernacles of God’s love, power and presence.

We experience His presence in our prayer time and we share that presence and power as we engage in the world. As he became flesh and dwelled among us, we are transformed from a flesh led life to a spirit filled life and we pass on the baton of God’s presence to people around us.

What is the acid test of knowing if Christ Jesus is within us? We must be singing a new song; we are constantly reminded of His love for us; we are able to recognise the wonders God has done for us and we are capable of making a joyful noise in the midst of tribulation. More importantly we are able to love as the song says “And they’ll know we are Christians by our love.” In fact, while we were still sinners Christ died for us and gave His life for us.

Let us celebrate this message, mission and messenger. Happy Birthday Jesus… you came to this earth and brought us peace and joy.

Prayer: Abba Father, we cherish the day when you sent your Son Jesus into the world to give us the Good News of our salvation. Amen.

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