Friday 12th February
“I confess my faults to the LORD,” and you took away the guilt of my sin
  • Genesis 3: 1-8
  • Ps 32: 1-7
  • Mark 7: 31-37

Today’s readings tell the story of disobedience and obedience. A tale of the all-powerful, omnipotent supreme God of the universe becoming creation himself to restore order on how it was meant to be from the beginning, unhindered fellowship with God, But the events of today’s first reading may be eerily similar to our own daily lives. The antagonist in the story operates no different even today by making us doubt the Word of God, doubt God’s goodness and what he has already revealed to us.

The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and finally the pride of this life are what we face. Our Lord Jesus was also tempted in the desert, but triumphed in the end. He did not depend on himself alone, but on the Heavenly Father and also being obedient to the Word that was already revealed. Adam and Eve used external objects to cover up the sin and shame within. Gen 3:7 says “and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.” How often do we attempt to cover up our sins and fallen nature with what is external and hide behind excuses? Not even at the fall of man did our God restrain his mercy but in fact covered humankind with mercy, compassion and love. Our Lord has not ever shut his heart on us, in truth it is we who have shut our hearts and closed our ears to him, perhaps to hide behind the sin and shame. The blood of our Lord Jesus has taken away the guilt of our sin and we do not need to hide behind fig leaves. Rather freely enter into his presence with repentant hearts.

The Gospel proclamation further elaborates the heart of God, when our Lord Jesus heals a Gentile who was deaf and could hardly talk. This is what God intended from the beginning to give life and life in all its fullness. But it appears Jesus did not want to appear merely as a miracle man but one who had come as the suffering servant to do the will of Father. In obedience and by his wounds He healed and restored humankind back to God. Significantly when we spend time alone with our Lord he will come to us and heal the deafness in our spirit and when we walk in obedience we can begin to experience the same fellowship our Lord Jesus.

Prayer: Abba Father, by your grace let me walk in obedience to your word.Amen

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