Tuesday October 17
Memorial of Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr
Are we genuine in our faith?
  • Romans 1:16-25
  • Psalm 19:2-5
  • Luke 11:37-41

The Gospel proclamation challenges us to reflect on our lives and the way we prioritise our actions. It highlights the danger of placing too much emphasis on outward appearances and rituals while neglecting the truth of our hearts. It is easy to fall into the trap of going through the motions and following external rituals without allowing our hearts to be transformed. God looks beyond our external actions and examines the state of our hearts. It prompts us to ask ourselves if our faith is merely surface-level or if it has truly penetrated our inner being. One reflection point is the question of authenticity. Are we genuine in our faith and in our pursuit of righteousness? Or do we externally display our faith while internally straying away from the Lord? This passage reminds us to be aware of God’s presence in our lives. When we surrender the truth of our hearts and accept our failures, God will pour out his mercy and kindness upon us. He will empower us with his love to be authentic disciples.

Prayer: Abba Father, may we not pretend to have virtues or qualities that we do not have. Amen.

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