Monday September 18
Twenty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time
Faith to believe
  • 1 Timothy 2:1-8
  • Psalm 28:2,7-9
  • Luke 7:1-10

In today’s Gospel proclamation Jesus is moved by the faith of the Centurion, who acknowledged his unworthiness and simply believed in the power and authority of Jesus to heal his dying servant. This is the kind of faith that the Lord expects each of us to have in our life. Faith to hold on to Jesus, faith to believe that the Lord is in control, faith to know that nothing is im- possible for Jesus and faith to accept that Jesus will work everything out for our good at his appointed time. As I look at my life, can I say that I have the same faith to believe that the Lord is in control? Do I truly believe? Or do I worry and remain anxious? In the first reading, we are called to lift our prayers, petitions, and thanksgivings to the Father because this is what pleases his heart. He wants to be a part of the day-to-day life of his children and that is why he sent his son Jesus to save us so that through the death and resurrection of Jesus we will have victory to overcome the day-to-day struggles of life.

Prayer: Abba Father, I pray for faith to believe that nothing is impossible for you. Amen.

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