Saturday June 26
Trusting in the unfailing goodness of God
  • Genesis 18: 1-15
  • Lk 1: 46-55
  • Matt 8: 5-17

In today’s readings we see a buildup of events taking place from the First reading to the Gospel proclamation. These readings paint a picture of our own lives and the shift we are called to make.

In the First reading we are given a visual description of Abraham and Sarah; their age, their inability to bear children, as well as the desire to be parents, that they may have had at an earlier age. Sarah would have longed for the pleasure of being a mother, and would have waited many years and finally given into the hopelessness and the despair of a lost dream. But here we see the Lord coming and prophesying over her life, but instead of accepting it gladly in expectation she laughs in unbelief.

The same can be true in our lives, we may be walking through seasons of waiting and believing for the fulfilment of a promise in our lives. And more often than not we look at our surroundings, our own selves and believe that what we see and hear is the Ultimate Truth. Today’s First reading is teaching us that there is another way, the ultimate truth is that the God of all creation, is able to create something out of nothing, and age is no barrier to Him.

The Gospel proclamation introduces us to the Lord Jesus; the Word of God, as the epitome of today’s readings. The centurion accepted that the Lord Jesus had all authority, was the Lord and the Word of God. His faith set the benchmark for us – belief in what is unseen and the acceptance of the goodness of God in his life and the life of his servant.

In the Responsorial Psalm we see how the Blessed Mother responded after the angel had given her the good news. It is the bridge between the First reading and the Gospel proclamation; through which we see the difference in responses. In the same manner as for Sarah, the Blessed Mother was foretold about the future and she accepted it in faith and trust in what was told to her, and believed in the unfailing goodness of God.

Prayer: Abba Father, give us Your gift of faith that we too will be able to believe in Your unfailing goodness. Amen.

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