Wednesday May 31
The virtues of the Visitation

The first reading speaks of the promises of God. Throughout history God was preparing his people to accept the Messiah. The blessing which came forth out of the fall of humanity is God’s Messiah. Humanity was created in the image and likeness of God. But this image was tainted by the fall of humanity. To restore humanity to its original state God promised the Messiah. We perceive our life settings as huge mountains surrounding us. We think that we are unable to defeat these challenges. This is because we have a distorted identity. We do not perceive ourselves as children of God. Let us rejoice by singing praises to God because he has restored our true identity and made us his children. Today we celebrate the feast of the Visitation. Mother Mary carrying God’s Messiah in her womb, visited Elizabeth. The Canticle of Mary portrayed God’s true nature. God’s greatest gift to humanity is the Messiah. God’s Messiah restored us and set us free. John the Baptist was set free while he was in his mother’s womb.

Prayer: Abba Father, thank you for giving us your Son and his Mother. May we receive your grace to love your Son and Mother Mary. Amen.

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