Actions speak louder than words

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Saint Francis Xavier, patron saint of Mission lands. In the first reading, we see how God called Jeremiah saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…and appointed you a prophet to the nations.” In the Gospel proclamation we see the Lord sending out his disciples to proclaim the Good News to all of creation. It is this same calling that we are asked to respond to. St Francis Xavier responded by leaving the comforts of Europe to toil in Asia, spreading the Good News of Jesus in often hostile territories. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to renew our missionary zeal. In today’s context missionary work often entails bearing witness to the Gospel in the way we live. As it is said, “Actions speak louder than words.” We have to live as Jesus has instructed, loving each other, caring for the less fortunate and pleading for the poor. Let us not grow tired but continue to share how the Lord has transformed our lives. Our testimonies could inspire others to come to Jesus.

Prayer: Abba Father, may I bear witness to your love. Amen.

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