Saturday April 17
No thing can compare to Your presence, Lord
  • Acts 6: 1-7
  • Ps 33: 1-5, 18-19
  • John 6: 16-21

We are chosen to be His disciples. To be disciples of praise, faith and of the Holy Spirit, praying, humbled and serving. God’s kingdom is not a worldly kingdom of out- ward pomp, power, comforts without toil, secular interest, titles or about bringing down others for selfish gain.

Do we not seek Christ for signs, wonders and self-gain? just like the crowds during the time of Jesus. Christ never sort after worldly honour, ambition or affection, instead He served the people and retired from the crowds and went to the mountain alone to spend time with God the Father in prayer. In serv- ing God we should never lose God.

Like the disciples in the boat-storm tossed in the dark, we too encounter challenges, fears and risks in serving and are not able to find our way out. It is the absence of our Lord that is the sole reason for our troubles. Like the storm rose when they were at sea troubles come when we least expect it, and that is why we need to be prepared, and this preparation comes only by spending time alone in prayer with God, hearing His voice. Even in trouble, Christ comes to us, to lead us safely to the shore. He comes in all His glory and power raining supreme above all things. We often misconstrue God reaching out to us and are left more afraid and confused. It is then that Jesus speaks to us “It is I, be not afraid!” John 6:20 The ship is the Church and we are the disciples who have embarked on a journey with Christ, though tossed at sea we will not be consumed but arrive safe at shore. If we try to steer the ship with all our talents and strength we are bound to get lost at sea but if we as individuals and together as a church receive Christ Jesus willingly into our hearts, minds and spirits then we become one body and one spirit with Christ.

In my experience there are many a times I lose sight of God. It is only in prayer that I have realized that it is not about me but all about His presence and my willingness to let God use me so that His love, forgiveness, mercy and grace can flow into the lives of those around us.

Prayer: Abba Father, as I sit in your presence to hear your voice, I know that you will lead your church to the fullness of its glory. Amen

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