Wednesday 11th November
Gratitude is the memory of the heart
  • Titus 3 : 1 - 7
  • Psalm 22 : 1 - 6
  • Luke 17 : 11 - 19

Today’s first reading prompts us to focus on our true nature as “believers”, reminding us how we must conduct ourselves. As a believer and a citizen of a country we are advised to be submissive and obedient. When we cooperate with the leadership in any establishment be it our home, workplace, community or nation to build a just and fair society we experience the smooth flow of God’s goodness and grace. Are we ready to fulfill our Lord’s instructions as Christians by giving up our negative attitudes and quarrelsome nature? We could then hope for a better tomorrow as this is the pathway to build the kingdom of God. Maintaining unity in diversity, being gentle and understanding paves the way to our destiny in the kingdom of God.

Psalm 23 speaks to us in a special way as it has always done. When biblical literature refers to God as a shepherd, we are reminded that we are the flock inviting the Lord to shepherd His people. Therefore let us be confident and consoled for our good shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ is the highest authority we must depend on. As a shepherd knows to feed his flock, to guide, govern, defend, handle and heal, let us open ourselves to the Lord’s care for us, to watch over and preserve us at all times.

The Gospel proclamation brings out another dimension of a shepherd other than leading and guiding – a healing narrative. Of the ten lepers who were physically healed of their disease only one returned to thank and praise God. The rest went away with their healing granted but only one comes praising God in a loud voice. He even throws himself on his face to worship the Lord Jesus Christ. This conveys an important message to us. We must return to the Lord even after our broken lives are restored. Even when we are healed we must not forget to praise to God in gratitude. Thus as the Lord declares, it is our faith that saves us. Are we grateful and bold enough to make this choice?

Prayer: Abba Father, may we praise and worship you with utmost gratitude for what you have done in our lives. Amen.

Source: On our Knees publication (November Edition)

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